Outreach Ministries
NEIGHBORS-4-NEIGHBORS is the signature outreach program of St. Margaret's. Started in 2007, it reaches out to families, children, seniors and adults in need of food, clothing and connections to community resources. With more than 75 active volunteers, this ministry assists an average of 400 families per week, and over the years has served in excess of 125,000 families, blessing them with millions of pounds of supplemental food, tens of thousands of articles of clothing, and countless community resource referrals. More information.
EVENGELISM We are a faith community sharing our stories of God's love. The Evangelism team helps individuals share their faith stories. More information
READ WITH ME was started in 2004, and brings volunteers rom eleven sponsoring churches to fifteen different schools that serve disadvantaged students, to help them develop to their maximum potential. Our primary effort is to provide English speaking role models for children who are in need of individual assistance in learning to become fluent in English. More information.
EVENGELISM We are a faith community sharing our stories of God's love. The Evangelism team helps individuals share their faith stories. More information
READ WITH ME was started in 2004, and brings volunteers rom eleven sponsoring churches to fifteen different schools that serve disadvantaged students, to help them develop to their maximum potential. Our primary effort is to provide English speaking role models for children who are in need of individual assistance in learning to become fluent in English. More information.