Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical ministries include the various roles in which lay people assist at the Mass – or Eucharist. If you would like to explore serving in a liturgical ministry, please contact Debby Jansma, [email protected].
The Altar Guild is a group of men and women (called Sacristans) who serve God by preparing and preparing the altar in preparation for worship. Altar Guild work goes on behind the scenes in support of the clergy. Sacristans are responsible for caring for the sacraments of bread and wine, a unique privilege and humbling responsibility.
These individuals take the Holy Communion to shut-ins. They receive special training to do so and are licensed by the bishop. Their ministry reminds those who are unable to join the community for worship that they are missed and belong to the Body of Christ.
Members of the parish are invited to read scripture lessons and to lead prayers of the people at Sunday worship services.
Thurifers carry the thurible with incense into the sanctuary and cense the people during some services. The incense represents the prayers of the people rising and symbolizes the blessing of the elements (the bread and wine of Holy Communion) and the congregation.
Ushers welcome and assist parishioners and visitors on Sunday and at special services, hand out bulletins, assist with the collection of offerings and facilitate the communicants to the communion rail. Their open and friendly faces are the welcoming committee.
Vergers work closely with the clergy to ensure ceremonies function smoothly. Their keen sense of liturgy, attention to detail, and continuous flexibility makes them the Masters of Ceremonies of the services.
The Altar Guild is a group of men and women (called Sacristans) who serve God by preparing and preparing the altar in preparation for worship. Altar Guild work goes on behind the scenes in support of the clergy. Sacristans are responsible for caring for the sacraments of bread and wine, a unique privilege and humbling responsibility.
These individuals take the Holy Communion to shut-ins. They receive special training to do so and are licensed by the bishop. Their ministry reminds those who are unable to join the community for worship that they are missed and belong to the Body of Christ.
Members of the parish are invited to read scripture lessons and to lead prayers of the people at Sunday worship services.
Thurifers carry the thurible with incense into the sanctuary and cense the people during some services. The incense represents the prayers of the people rising and symbolizes the blessing of the elements (the bread and wine of Holy Communion) and the congregation.
Ushers welcome and assist parishioners and visitors on Sunday and at special services, hand out bulletins, assist with the collection of offerings and facilitate the communicants to the communion rail. Their open and friendly faces are the welcoming committee.
Vergers work closely with the clergy to ensure ceremonies function smoothly. Their keen sense of liturgy, attention to detail, and continuous flexibility makes them the Masters of Ceremonies of the services.